Monday, July 16, 2012

I can handle this...

I survived my first week of treatment without any major issues! Tuesday and Wednesday flew by considering treatment was only 2 hours long compared to 10! This first week wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I never really got sick, I would feel nauseous every now and then but they provided me with some awesome anti-nausea medicine that works wonders. I didn't have much of an appetite throughout the week but when I did I craved soup, so thanks to Allen Reinhart for sending me a whole box of chicken noodle soup! The only way I can describe how I felt during the week would be uncomfortable, I just never felt right. My head was a little more cloudy than normal, but other than that I never had any major problems so that made this whole situation better because I realized I could handle it.

I did go into work a during the week so that helped keep my mind off things, even though I didn't last very long at the gym, it was so nice to get out of the house and do something other than setting in a chair for hours.

Today Kyle and I saw the ferttility doctor up in KC just to see what our options were and if chemo would effect us having babies. Dr. Kim was very optimistic, he felt my chances of losing fertility was less than 40%, which Kyle and I thought were pretty good odds. We decided not to freeze my eggs or do anything with those percentages. After chemo we will go back up to see him so he can check my egg count again and see if anything has changed.

I am excited to get back to the grind this week. I will get to be at practice with the girls and see how hard they have been working these last couple of weeks and see what new skills they have.

I want to thank everyone once more for the continued support throughout this, especially my whole family, you guys have been wonderful. We have one round down and just three more to go before we win this battle!



  1. My amazing wonderful daughter, you are my hero!

    1. She IS amazing...went through this with my dad last year so you all are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Will celebrate when the "win light" comes on!!!

  2. You are so strong. This journey will prove that. Love you so much.

  3. Monroe was tearful the other night asking about when you are going to be back at practice all the time for good.. I love your strength, what a great example for all our girls and all of us, we love you!!
    So happy to hear your appt went well, celebrate all the milestones, we will cheer you every step of the way.

  4. Just let me know if you need more soup.......

  5. u have so many friends and family that care for u. having jusy gone thru chemo i know how important that is..i will keep u on my prayer list. keep the good attitude and if every once in a while u feel like a good cry do helps get out a lot of pent up emotion..barbara
